Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Times

What an amazing week!

My 8 year old got her first fillings done. I was afraid she would cry and not tolerate the work, but thankfully she surprised me and did great.

I babysat my cousins children 2 days, from 5:30 a.m. till 5 p.m. They are 3 months and 4 years old. I thought it might be mind blowing to have 6 children all day, but things went shockingly well. The 4 year old had a few melt downs, but she isn't used to our rules, so it was expected. I think I actually maintained better with them, as I kept my cool. Isn't it funny that I wouldn't even yell around some one else's kids, but am willing to yell at mine quite often. People are so weird!.

I had all 6 children with me for the home school groups boys/girls club. Then I took them all with me to confession. Another mom and I took turns with the children. I am so happy I got to go. The neighbor children came over to play for a few hours yesterday. At that point I had 9 children, and I wasn't freaked out!!! Thank you, Jesus, for that grace! It made me believe that I can handle having more children, which we hope and pray we will get to.

Today the children and my sister and I went to 2 festivals after church. The first was The Scottish Highland games. We watched a few bands. Oceans Apart, and The Wicked Tinkers. I love live music so much! We watched a few caber tosses, the kiddos played on inflatable slie thingy's (the technical term), and we saw some drum and pipe bands marching. Oh, they are so cool and make me want to get into that.

Then we went to the Matsuri festival. It is a Japanese event where we heard great music, saw sword fighting, and a lot of really great art. Of course, both plces had a million things for sale. We only got a few.

We must have walked 5 miles today. All the children are asleep, and I am good and tired.

I am planning on going to pray at the Planned Parenthood tomorrow. We will see how that pans out.

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