Sunday, March 29, 2009


So, I was in church today, along with 3 of the whiniest sweetest children on the planet. I know, since they are mine. (The youngest whipper snapper was at home with his delinquent father.)

The service was almost finished, and there was a beautiful moment. Right after communion, the choir was harmonizing perfectly, the instrumentation spot on. I was really getting into it and lifting my heart to praise my creator. I closed my eyes and sang along, but my mind would not let me get too far.

My ears were tuned to pick up what my children were doing: Could they be laying down? Were they kneeling or looking for gum under the pew? Were they picking their noses and wiping it on the pew in front of them? (This one actually did occur today!) I got this image of a hot air balloon taking to the sky, only to be jerked back and held down by a rope tethered to the ground. That was my heart.

I am sure all Christian mothers can relate to this. I remember reading that Susanna Wesley, having 19 children would pray in her kitchen, pulling her apron over her head for "privacy".
I can not ever seem to get time alone to go quietly pray. I am instead praying moment by moment, "Please, God, help me be patient", "Lord, I thank you for this day. Help me use my time well", "Help me be a good mother", etc. I sometimes think that this isn't good enough for God, that I am somehow ripping myself or God off. However, he is the one that gave me the children, so he knows where I am needed. Maybe I need an apron.

I am so blessed by my children, and am glad that my heart is connected to them, with strings that bind us together.
Not restrictions, not tethers. Heart strings.

Friday, August 29, 2008

If it's not one thing...

Does life ever slow down?

It seems like there is always something to fill up the time. Usually it is unpleaseant things, like a sick child or two, cleaning messes, trying to get rid fleas out of your home and animal friends, messes, a car accident, a death, school work or cleaning up messes.

I wonder what I would be doing with my time, if I didn't have it filled with the newest critical thing that has happened in our lives. There is always some new critical thing!

This month has been filled with such beauties as: a car accident with all children in attendance, being without a car, a 10 year wedding anniversary celebrted with an arument, being very behind on school work, and sadly, our beloved niece losing her baby.

Details to follow soon... I promise it's not all bad!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So this is what it is like to lose all control of your brain!

Imagine if you will-your husband being out of town for 2 months, so far. Now add 4 children, 3 dogs, 1 messy house and a tendancy towards being easily annoyed. You think you would still be sane? If so, PLEASE tell me how!

We are going to the dentist again today. DD 8 will be getting her first teeth cleaning and some sealants. This should take care of her for awhile. It had better with the $1300 bill we will now have to pay for all the work she just had done!
In paying more attention to the childrens' teeth, I found some cavities in DS, 6's teeth. Lucky kids have inherited my teeth.
I will, of course have to juggle the other 3 children and attempt to keep them quiet while she has her's worked on.

Right now they are all juggling baloons and fighting because I am trying to do something other than give all of my brain to them. Well, since I don't have much of a brain left anyhow, I may as well go give it to them.

I hope you all have a great day, and go kiss your husbands if you've got 'em!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Times

What an amazing week!

My 8 year old got her first fillings done. I was afraid she would cry and not tolerate the work, but thankfully she surprised me and did great.

I babysat my cousins children 2 days, from 5:30 a.m. till 5 p.m. They are 3 months and 4 years old. I thought it might be mind blowing to have 6 children all day, but things went shockingly well. The 4 year old had a few melt downs, but she isn't used to our rules, so it was expected. I think I actually maintained better with them, as I kept my cool. Isn't it funny that I wouldn't even yell around some one else's kids, but am willing to yell at mine quite often. People are so weird!.

I had all 6 children with me for the home school groups boys/girls club. Then I took them all with me to confession. Another mom and I took turns with the children. I am so happy I got to go. The neighbor children came over to play for a few hours yesterday. At that point I had 9 children, and I wasn't freaked out!!! Thank you, Jesus, for that grace! It made me believe that I can handle having more children, which we hope and pray we will get to.

Today the children and my sister and I went to 2 festivals after church. The first was The Scottish Highland games. We watched a few bands. Oceans Apart, and The Wicked Tinkers. I love live music so much! We watched a few caber tosses, the kiddos played on inflatable slie thingy's (the technical term), and we saw some drum and pipe bands marching. Oh, they are so cool and make me want to get into that.

Then we went to the Matsuri festival. It is a Japanese event where we heard great music, saw sword fighting, and a lot of really great art. Of course, both plces had a million things for sale. We only got a few.

We must have walked 5 miles today. All the children are asleep, and I am good and tired.

I am planning on going to pray at the Planned Parenthood tomorrow. We will see how that pans out.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Another beautiful day.
The children had a great time at their homeschool kids' club.
I got an anonymous note in the mail saying I was being thought of and prayed for today. That was so nice and thoughtful! I love little mysteries like that.
We hung out at home, I did some painting, then went to our friend's house for a great meatless lenten dinner and some great company. I yapped on and on. I guess I may need some more adult contact!
Again a late night.

You should check out this great blog
It is SO funny and insightful.


My sweet, angelic mother came over today and helped me clean and organize. We got a lot done, so I am feeling better. I was so crabby this morning due to the mess.
We hung curtains, she hemmed them. Got some stuff organized in the shed. Pretty dull day actually. The 2 big boys made "inventions"which are basically cake and used WAY more chocolae chips than they should have.
Leave it to my off-spring to find a loop-hole for their Lenten sacrifice. Sure, they haven't eaten any candy, but they sure are making "inventions" every day.
Hey, maybe one of them will be a chef when they grow up, and attribute it all to being given creative license in the kitchen as children. Now I just have to work on getting them to do a good job of cleaning up afterwards!
Tomorrow is boys' and girls' club, and we are all excited. It is always nice to see the other home schooling families.
Is home schooling one word or two? I see it so often both ways!

Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday

Today was great, almost.

We started out wonderfully by getting some school work done as well as some planning for the abinet shelves I am putting in the kitchen. The children then played well together until we got ready to go to Mass at noon. The were pretty well behaved, until time for the ases. For some reason ds 4, freaked out. I picked him up as he was holding up the line, and the deacon put the ashes on his head while he was yelling and hitting me. Yeah, nice.
"You are dust and to dust you shall reurn"

Then we went to Costco, and got a lot of wierd looks, like "Why do you and your children have soot on your faces?" I did hear several people say, "Oh, it's Ash Wednesday" after seeing us.
We played at the park, then went to swim lessons, and Walmart. Well after walking though Walmart for a million hours(Does Walmart always feel like that to you too?) we were all cranky and tired, so things went downhill. We just had a hard time getting dinner done and to sleep, but it is now quiet. I am going to slap a coat of paint on the shelves, and go to sleep

Happy Lent!